What is greer idol?Greer Idol, established in 2007, is a singing competition open to vocalists in Upstate South Carolina. Contestants perform throughout the summer during Tunes in the Park in Greer City Park and judges score them on Vocal Skills, Audience Appeal, and Stage Presence. Audience members can cast votes for their favorite performers, and votes are combined with the judges scores to declare an overall winner at the end of the competition. Cash prizes are awarded to 1st Place and Runner Up.
Jordan Miller
5/11/2021 07:22:40 am
Can you inform us of how it will work this year? Will they be performing live? Starting at the end of June again or later? Will it be during the week or on the weekend? Trying to get a few details if possible prior to commitment. Thanks so much!
Sara Odom
5/13/2021 12:14:26 pm
Jerry McKee
5/17/2021 07:37:54 am
Will these events be streamed live on social media?
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